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Board of Finance Minutes 4/19/2011
Board of Finance

APRIL 19, 2011   7:00 P.M.
Old Saybrook Town Hall Conference Room

CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Carl Fortuna, called the meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:01 P.M.

Attendant Members                       Absent Members                  
Carl Fortuna, Chairman                                                  
Grant Westerson
Sonny Whelen            
John O’Brien
Barry O’Nell
Lee Sparaco
Dave LaMay

In Attendance
Bill Peace, Selectman
Carol Manning, Selectwoman
Bob Fish, Treasurer
     Michael Spera, Chief of Police
     Julie Pendleton, Director of Operations and Finance
     Barry Maynard, Tax Collector
     Gerri Lewis, Clerk

Public Comment:   Mr. Duhig discussed the difficult, economic issues for the citizens, especially the elderly of Old Saybrook. He commented on several proposed capital projects for the School Department, which he thought were priced much too high. He also commented that BOF agendas and minutes are still not posted to the town website.

Chairman Fortuna thanked Mr. Duhig for his comments

Chairman Fortuna asked for a motion on the minutes of the special meeting of March 29, 2011 and the regular meeting of April 5, 2011.

Motion:  To approve the special meeting minutes of March 29, 2011 as presented

Moved:  B. O’Nell                           Second:  J. O’Brien

Discussion:  It was noted that Mr. Sparaco was absent for this meeting and would abstain from voting.

Approved:  6-0-1

Motion:  To approve the minutes of the April 5, 2011 meeting.

Moved:  G. Westerson                           Second:  C. Fortuna

Discussion:  None

Approved:  7-0-0

Board of Ed Report:

Mr. Fortuna called upon Ms. Pendleton for an update.  Ms. Pendleton reported on the following:

  • Current year difficult;  Capital Plan; Bonded items;
  • Freezes still in place; $300K frozen including many capital items;
  • Public use of tennis courts requires a fix before someone gets hurt.
  • Enrollment is flat;
  • Administrators Union 2011-2012 made concessions of $12K; voluntarily extended contract 1 year thru 2013; took lower increase current contract; 12-13 contract is “0” increase;
  • Small wiggle room re benefits; bid back out to Anthem; now between Cigna & Anthem;
  • No significant reduction in staff;
  • Most difficult hurdle is special ed; funding from State is down 35-40%; facing most severe cases; age 18-21 requirements are growing;  demands are federally mandated;
  • School buys diesel for buses; gas for mowers;  Mr. LaMay inquired where this was in the budget book.
  • Looking at natural gas instead of oil for heating; cost effective;
  • Transition classrooms; if you can engage students early on (K-3), this will prevent long term disability down the road;
  • Combined honor classes with AP classes; high school numbers have grown;
  • Course offerings are difficult to balance;
  • Regionalization was briefly discussed; Mr. Sparaco inquired
Mr. Fortuna thanked Ms. Pendleton and asked the BOF if they had anything further for Ms. Pendleton.  

At this time, Mr. Fortuna asked Treasurer Fish if he had anything to report.  Mr. Fish noted the projections on the last report and how they will affect the mill rate.  The BOF inquired about the ratio of mills to money.  Mr. Fish noted that 1/10 mill = $250K

Mr. Fortuna thanked Mr. Fish.  He noted that the second public hearing on the budget was April 28, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Middle School Auditorium.

Selectman Report:
Mr. Peace touched on the following:
  • Bids are in on the Town Dock on Ferry Road; they were high and there remains engineering issues.
  • Harbor Management Commission has $350K; town has grant of $250K;
  • Dan Moran is new chairman of PD Building Committee;
  • PD negotiations: original demands are still out there; not fair “playing field” with arbitration hearings; will reconvene in May, 2011;
  • Public Works is very busy; winter damage;
  • Town of Lyme 13.5 mill rate

Mr. Fortuna thanked Mr. Peace and asked Ms. Manning if she had anything.  She briefly discussed a question she had on the Ferry Road dock.

FY 2011 – 2012 Budget:

Motion:  That the Board of Finance recommend to second public hearing the Board of Education’s budget request of $21,880,044.00 as presented.

Moved:  D. LaMay                           Second:  J. O’Brien

Discussion:  Mr. Fortuna recommended a reduction in the BOE budget of $100K
Motion:  To amend the Board of Education’s budget request to $21,780,044.00.

Moved:  C. Fortuna                        Second:   L. Sparaco

Discussion:  None

Approved: 5-2-0

Motion:  To approve the Board of Education budget $21,780,044.00 as amended.

Moved:  C. Fortuna                           Second:  L. Sparaco

Discussion:  None

Approved:  5-2-0

Motion:  To approve the General Government budget of $14,812,314.

Moved:  L. Sparaco                           Second:  C. Fortuna

Discussion:  The Fire Department Radio Communications budget is decreased as per Chief Dunn by $7K, which is not reflected in the $14,812,314.

Motion:  To remove the Radio Communications line item in the Fire Department capital budget.

Moved:  C. Fortuna                     Second:  L. Sparaco

Approved:  7-0-0

Motion:  To amend the Capital Outlay Sinking Fund to reflect the $39K appropriated to the construction of police building and $36K to the police department relocation and rent, therefore deleting the Municipal Building fund of $75K.

Moved:  C. Fortuna                           Second:  D. LaMay

Discussion:  None

Approved:  7-0-0

Motion:  To amend and decrease the Police Department budget by $40K.

Moved:  J. O’Brien                           Second:  C. Fortuna

Discussion:  None

Approved:  4-3-0 (Fortuna, Sparaco, OBrien and O’Nell in favor)

Motion:  To amend and decrease the Library budget by $10K.

Moved:  B. O’Nell                           Second:  C. Fortuna

Discussion:  None

Approved:  7-0-0

Motion:  To amend and decrease the Parks & Recreation budget by $10K.

Moved:  B. O’Nell                           Second:  J. O’Brien

Discussion:  None

Approved:  4-3-0 (Fortuna, Sparaco, O’Brien and O’Nell in favor)

Motion:  That the Town of Old Saybrook create a Municipal Reserve fund for capital and non recurring expenditures of $75K.

Moved:  C. Fortuna                           Second:  G. Westerson

Discussion:  The concept is for municipal use.

Approved:  7-0-0

Motion:  That the Board of Finance recommend to second public hearing the General Government budget of  $14,825,314.00

Moved:  L. Sparaco                           Second:  C. Fortuna

Discussion:  There was discussion amongst the BOF that several members had voted against certain amendments yet are now being asked to move this budget to the second public hearing. The Chair replied that if they chose, they could vote against the recommendation and, if there were not enough votes to so recommend, there would have to be further discussion on the budget.

Approved:  7-0-0

At this time, the Board of Finance discussed several budgetary items as follows:
  • Fire Department decrease of $7K;
  • Rubbish Collection;
  • OSPD contracts;  Fuel; Relocation;
  • COSF
  • Municipal building fund;

At this time, Chief Spera inquired of the Board of Finance if he could take the decrease of $40K from his budget wherever he saw fit.  The Board replied in the affirmative.

Motion:  To adjourn at 9:08 p.m.

Moved:  C. Fortuna                           Second:  L. Sparaco

Discussion:  None

Approved:  7-0-0

Respectfully submitted,
Gerri Lewis, Clerk